Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I am a Jew who has been floating from Conservative to Reform throughout my childhood. I have always been interested in the history of Jews. As I got older, high school brought me an education of several kinds. I was the only Jewish student in several grade school years. High school brought questions from myself and others I was hard pressed for answers. Proud but naive, I was motivated to a point to educate myself. Eventually, I made my way to Israel, a place I never thought I would visit. I never lusted to stand on its ground. Today, I am a regular visitor! I found Orthodoxy to be more intriguing and Reform more pathetic. I am slowly learning who I am. I am aware that every Jew has a time and place to live in history. My time will have the challenges that every generation has had: hate, prejudice, terrorism, assimilation....I find the US has some of the best people in the world. Where else in the world can a Korean (who blogs with me) and a Jew work together for the common good of all the people hear and (thanks to the 'net) the world. This site has tons of information. Maybe too much to absorb, too busy a site being my only complaint. I think this blogger has given me political reinforcement. And Jewish reinforcement. I intend to explore more Korean sites in an attempt to find more Korean conservatives for additional dialogue. In the meantime, if your not Jewish, look at this site. I am not preaching the Jewish material, just the political. I hope everyone who is interested in exchanging links contacts me!! I am always interested in helping spread the gospel of intelligent thought.


1 comment:


I am truly humbled. Thank you for your support and your post. Moadim L'simcha.