Monday, April 6, 2009


Okay, so the Koreans decided that testing a missile is nothing more than a satellite deployment. Many people are trying to interpret what the heck is the real message. I believe the assumption that the launch is advertising for the arms sales to rogue states is more in tune. The North Koreans picked an opportune time with Sheik Obama in Europe for the G20. G20? It is well underway to becoming a traveling circus sideshow of the ineffective UN. But that's another post. The same message of unapproval without consequences by the EU towards Islamic terrorism is preached to the Koreans. The same message of no action taken and undermining US policy.
The Koreans were advertising not only its new missile to the rogue countries of the world but, the okay to buy them without the fear of US ramifications. It's okay to continue pursuing nuclear material development because no real ill will befall you. This is also a message from the EU that the US is not a leader. Sure they trip over themselves to take pictures with our Sheik, but the EU leadership obviously convinced Sheik Obama to admit guilt towards the world eonomic collapse. I saw the speech given by Sheik Obama and it had a happy message without one real idea said.
The attention given to the Koreans is "advertising during the superbowl." The world will become more dangerous while we preach about reducing our stockpile of weapons. I suggest we take heart with former President Reagan again. Pres. Reagan suggested building a "Star Wars" missile defense system or laser defense system to neutralize the threat. It doesn't increase our nuclear stockpile while addressing the ICBM threat. Also, it will show our military superiority to the rogue nations. It will not stop the "dirty bomb" threat but ideas for this are still being developed.
It is our position in the world to be a leader. It is not arrogance! The US can be a follower and admit to the EU being the leader. What other position would you expect them to take! It is their arrogance to have Sheik Obama consul that position. The ineffective position the EU has towards terrorism, economy, and foreign policy show me they have no leadership skills. Let's stop talking and take action. If our "friends" won't make commitments we want then we need to find backbone elsewhere.

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