Saturday, August 15, 2009


I have been following the health care debate for the last year daily. Hours and hours spent watching different groups sprout up and give context to their agenda. Who are the groups and what are they saying? I have extensively read their articles, their activity, and looked up their staff. This issue has become the number one topic of conversation for everyone, regardless of age. The arguments are persuasive and profound. Conclusion? Many talk about the issues knowing full well that they are lying. For example, the American Medical Assoc. cannot possibly account for their position in support of the bill yet the members overtly oppose it. It is easy to understand the stand taken by the AMA when you reason for what purpose it serves. I have 2 names I use on this blog: 1) unapologeticethnocentricsemite and 2) grappledoctor. The grappledoctor name is a reference to mixed martial arts for which I will not comment further for now. The doctor reference is because I am in the medical field. As a doctor, I have the "inside" view most fail to recognize. As a citizen of this country, I am personally concerned. Finally, as the father of a child with a genetic disorder, I have experienced hardship unlike most have ever seen. The doctor side has seen patients both wealthy and poor. Patients perceptions of medical issues have changed over the years and I have witnessed the brainwashing of the public at large in believing medical care should be free. Is this the proper view knowing full well what it takes to be in the health care industry? I will be writing a plethora of articles over the next 3 weeks explaining the issues that have already been addressed in ways not yet viewed. I will be informing readers of this blog of issues not a single page on the internet has had the chutzpah to explore. And finally, I will be leaving for Israel in the next few weeks giving myself time to fully write the details others fail to write. I hope for feedback with dialogue from readers to express thoughts openly and honestly with the opportunity to indulge townhall meetings with intellectual conversation. We, the people, will decide the future path! Not Democrats or Republicans! When we remind the politicians of this, they will respond in kind. A Call to Arms!!

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