The legacy of First Lady Michelle Obama will be one not soon forgotten, I assure you. From her pick of dress for the Inaugural Ball to meeting the Queen, Americans can rest assure Michelle will smite all Western leaders, dress inappropriately, act disrespectfully, and present herself with a contemptuous attitude worthy of her illustrious background. From slapping the Queen
across her back, to doing the "bump" with African leaders, to her anti-white rhetorical ideology, to relaying the message of her revelation that she can finally be "proud of her country".
So, in the tradition of our great heritage, First Lady Obama partakes in a family outing to the grandiose American phenomenon known as the Grand Canyon. Michelle dressed down for the occasion to a questionable, if not objectionable, point. Her contempt for this nation and disrespect has been questioned multiple times. Who could have provided guidance on the dress code for her outing? Other past First Ladies should have been interviewed for their insight and opinion. Her advisors should have picked a more appropriate outfit and something less controversal. Her lack of "cover" is distasteful. Her simple dressing showed lack of class. And her skin exposure showed her misunderstanding of greenhouse gases affecting ozone levels. If she unerstood, she would have covered up with clothes and sunblock.
What was she appropriately dressed for? Well, she could have made a Nair commercial!
She could have played a dancer for a P. Diddy remake of "Baby Got Back!"
In fact, she was prepared for everything except showing the virtue of her position. She has time to make ammends before her husband "Sheik Obama" is finally voted out or impeached. I trust she will continue on her personal crusade to denigrate America, though. Oh, and for those who feel she did nothing wrong the way she dressed.....I think if Michelle can continue to dress in this manner, I would like to offer a suggestion on dressing for Sheik Obama:

Is this appropriate for the President Sheik Obama!?
As far as dignified, respectful and classy goes, I agree with your nominations except that you left one out. What about Laura Bush. And her husband wasn't half bad either. As for the Simian Senora and the Bogus Potus, time is running out. Soon we will have to hose out the pen to make room for a genuine leader whose aims paralell with conservative values. So far this figure has not yet emerged. However, I am sure one will. We must be patient. Radicals have a short shelf life.
This comment is clean in the respect of no curse words. Yet, the Simian Senora remark is racist as well.
Lets take the high road here! I criticize both parties for bad moves. Leave the racism at the door when entering rucking fidiculous. Thank you for the time reading our site.
Racism is in the eye of the beholder. "She could have played a dancer for a P. Diddy remake of Baby Got Back". And three mentions Of "Sheik Obama" I'm sure would raise a few eyebrows with the likes of Al Sharpton or Dr. Lamont Hill. I happen to agree with you. The differance is I am TRULY un-apologetic.
I dont apologize for my remarks, either. And I understood your agreement with my remarks. My blog will get flagged if I dont make an attempt to moderate. Your point is appreciated.
This site, on occasion, leaves me a trifle perplexed. It claims to be pro "Jewish", but anti Obama.
Then one might recall that Obama never could have gotten elected without the Jews, most particularly Hollywood Jews, and that the most powerful of his staff members are Jews; Rahm Emanuel and David Axlerod.
As I said: most perplexing.
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