Leonard Zeskind has a career with notable writings in major publications. He was a community activist and is President of the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights. He has a new book out about white hate groups in America called Blood and Politics: The History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream Many of these hate groups he investigates are using names that allege a patriotic stance. Names like National Alliance, Liberty Lobby, and the Freemen are examples. But has his views been contaminated by outside influences? influences like Left Wing radical groups? Are the organizations primarily made up of whites immediately and prejudiciously lumped into the same category as racist groups? Specifically, are groups like the 912 Group or the Tea Party recreated movements rooted in this typical hatred.
According to Zeskind, the Tea Party has become a prime example of a new movement of white power hatred. His latest article has been alluding to the fact that white hate groups view any protests performed by the Tea Party to be an opportunity for recruitment. Upon attending meetings and protests, they will ultimately be able to take the leadership positions. He writes the July 4th showing is,"...where a constellation of anti-tax, anti-immigrant, and Christian right activists and Republican conservatives are gathering their forces. Expect white nationalists to put their own star in this sky."
I am a Jew and a Tea Party Committee member for south Florida. I can tell you that we ween out any undesirables immediately upon realizing who they are. Stormfront is in our neighborhood and has never distributed material at any meetings or events of ours. The South Florida Tea Party is run by REAL grass root Americans. Real grassroots meaning citizens themselves that have taken the helm and organized. Not a well funded right wing hate group nor a billionaire radical left wing group. Just average Americans who have the same spirit our forefathers had. No one is disqualified as a member for their heritage, this is the real thing(not the Coca Cola reference)! Rich, poor, blue collar, white collar, old, young, and everything in between are members actively participating. The misguided belief that hate groups are any part of or infiltrating the party in any numbers is wrong!
The most appalling part of Mr Zeskind's article is the title, "Rereading the Tea Leaves: July 4 Protests Will Include White Nationalists." This title infers that the White Nationalists "included" have been invited as speakers or guests at the protest. This is at least misleading his readers and at the most an inflammatory fabrication.
I find the absence of hate groups like La Reza and the Black Theology aka Black Liberation aka Black Supremacy and Black Panthers in your writings. These groups infiltrate Liberal activist groups with their poisonous agenda. Where is the criticism. Where are the books about their dangerous message.
In summary, failure to recognize the spirit of America's past in organizations promoting positive values is typical of people blinded by Left Wing ideology. Both Liberal and Conservative groups have a mixed message of good points and bad. Identifying radical hate groups on both sides of the fence is a responsible message. A deliberate misguided message overstating and over exaggerating the possible infiltration of these organizations by hate groups continues to divide Americans. I invite Mr. Zeskind to join us on July 4th so he can write a tasteful and truthful article.